Laurie Dhue (Photo: Lance Connelly)
WEST PALM BEACH, Florida – March 14, 2017
The Board of Directors of CARP (Comprehensive Alcoholism Rehabilitation Programs), Inc. and the CARP Spring Luncheon Committee welcomed two hundred forty guests to its Annual Spring Luncheon at Four Seasons Resort Palm Beach Saturday to celebrate the renewal of CARP. Our Honorary Chairwoman was Connie Frankino.

The Living Room at Four Seasons Resort Palm Beach (Photo: Lance Connelly)
Following a reception in the Living Room, where new supporters of CARP mingled with current board members and long-term CARP advocates, music played by piper Patrick Crowley to honor deceased board members Harry S. Hamilton and Ellen Tansey initiated the luncheon as guests moved upstairs to the Royal Poinciana Ballroom.

Dick Robinson (Photo: Paulette Martin)
Dick Robinson (above) began the luncheon program with the Pledge of Allegiance. Margaret Luce, Chairwoman, joined him to recite the Serenity Prayer and welcome guests. Kelly V. Landers, President of the Board of Directors, followed by stating CARP’s building plans for men’s and women’s 12 Step homes have been submitted to the city of West Palm Beach, and were available for viewing at the luncheon, stating “This is just the beginning.”
Park Miller, speaking as an alumnus of CARP, stated that CARP is returning to its beginning — serving the alcoholic and drug addicted underserved — with the initial projects of the men and women’s 12-step homes.
Guest speaker Laurie Dhue brought an authentic message of recovery to the event. Ms. Dhue spoke of her journey through addiction, transformation, and recovery. You can read more in the Palm Beach Daily News article.
Committee members include: Lavinia Baker, Kerry Coyle, Lynda Henry, Rick Hutchinson, Esq., Barbara Katz, Margaret Luce, Chairwoman, Park Miller, Carl Nicola, Margaret Donnelley, Elizabeth Matthews, Fran Marcone, Robert Needle, Xiomara Ordoñez, Brittnye Parker, Alicia Vannini, Todd Weintz. Volunteers included Diane Seltzer, Amanda Marino, and Brenda Smith.
Note: Featured Image, top: Royal Poinciana Ballroom at Four Seasons Resort Palm Beach, with floral arrangements by The Palm Beach Connection (Credit: Lance Connelly).